Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bow Pose/Morning stiffness

I have been asked by my students if there is one pose that they can do to stretch their entire body and my answer is Bow pose. This is the Pose that I recommend, to get rid of that morning stiffness which happens due to overuse to certain muscle group, lack of exercise or activity, inappropriate limb movement or collection of fluids in the joints. Yoga prevents and alleviates morning stiffness. No matter how experienced Yoga practitioner you are, morning is the time when your body is relatively stiffer than it is at later time of the day and that is reason you should not try to push yourself too hard. Do not stretch to the point of discomfort. Drink 10-12 glasses of water to keep your muscles hydrated as hydrated muscles stretch better.

Intital position-Lie flat on the stomach with the forehead resting on the floor.

1) Separate the knees.

2)Bend the kneed and hold both ankles.

3) Inhale while slightly raising the knees, head and chest, at the same time pull the feet upwards.

Benefits- It regulates the digestive, eliminatory and reproductive organs. It massages the liver and pancreas .It stimulates kidneys and tones the whole alimentary canal.The backward bend of spine adjust vertebral column and corrects posture.

Holding the pose-The final position can be held either with normal breathing or internal breath retention. The body can also be gently rocked forward and backward. Concentrate at the back of the neck, abdominal region or the midpoint where the back is bending.
Beginners- 30 sec with normal breathing
Advanced- 30 seconds with breath retention and 2 mins with normal breathing.

Releasing the pose- Exhale and bring your upper body and thighs down and release your feet.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Yoga Journey

I am Natasha Simplicio, I was born and raised in India before I moved to the U.S, 2 yrs back. I live in Oregon with my husband and my 7 month old son.
I am starting this blog to share my Yoga with everyone. I have been doing and teaching Yoga for more than 10 yrs and now I can't imagine my life without it. Yoga has given me everything that I need to stay healthy and happy. It is the treasure that I have found and I want to share it with every one. Yoga is for everyone. Depending on your level of comfort and flexibility, there is something for everyone. My Yoga is traditional and follow one rule more than any other " Sthirim sukham asanam", which means steady and comfortable pose.

The pose that I want to share today is Downward facing dog (Janushirasan)

Initial position - Sit down with knees touching the floor, toes tucked in and your palms on the floor. 1)Inhale and lift you hips and straighten your arms and legs.
2) Push your heels toward the floor so that your feet are flat on the ground.
3) Bring your chin close to your chest as if you are trying to look at your navel.
4) Breathe normally.
Benefits- It stretches calves, hamstring, glutes , lower back shoulder, neck and arms.
It is good for people who have sedentary lifestyle or desk job. It stretches the neck with the help of the weight of your head that gives it maximum and optimum pull. This pose is recommended to prevent and cure stiff neck that can be a result of staring at the computer or stress.
Holding the pose- Your breathing should be normal and rhythmic.
Beginners - hold for 30 secs
Experienced- Between 1- 5 mins
Releasing the pose - Exhale and come back to initial position and relax.
Note : Check with your doctor before starting Yoga if you have health issues. Stop immediately if you feel light headed. Never do Yoga within 3 hrs of eating.