Monday, August 24, 2009

Uttan padasana- Raised legs pose

Uttan padasana

This is one my favourite morning poses, not too challenging and has immense benefits.This pose is good to prevent and cure varicose veins and increase overall circulation in your legs and eliminate belly flab.

Initial position – 1) Start with supine position.
2) Exhale to prepare, bring your feet together, inhale and raise both legs up, slowly and stabilize them when they reach at 90 degrees angle from the floor.
Holding the pose- Normal breathing. With every exhalation, try to straighten your legs more.

Duration – 1 min to 5 mins.

Releasing the pose- Exhale and bring you legs straight down, very slowly. If you have lower back problem, you can fold your legs and then bring them down.
Benefits – It improves digestive system by compressing stomach and intestines. It makes abdominal muscles stronger and eliminates flab. It helps with circulation of blood in legs and heals varicose veins.