Friday, July 3, 2009

Halasana -Plough Pose

This asana should not be done as the first asana in the morning, as it requires extreme bending and can cause injury if your body is not warmed up. It helps rejuvenated abdominal organs. It helps spine stretch and get better supply of blood and hence it relieves back aches. It compresses the intestines and helps with digestion.
Initial position – Lie down on your back.
1) Inhale, lift your legs up straight and bring them perpendicular to the ground.
2) Lift you entire lower body and bring your feet behind your head.
3) return to normal breathing
Holding the pose- Normal breathing.
Duration – 1 min to 5 mins
Releasing the pose- Exhale and bring one vertebrae at a time, as slow as you can, keeping your legs straight.
Benefits – It will help get rid of stiffness from neck and shoulder. It increases circulation to the legs and helps prevents cramps due to sitting for long hours.
Tip - Keep your neck soft while holding the pose to prevent injury.